A First Portfolio: The Suburban Landscape

Ever since I started working seriously to put together a portfolio I’ve been stopped by my lack of a good solution for putting together an online portfolio. I use Flickr and this site as a working notebook, but I know that I need some pages that are representative of my work. And I’ve really only wanted something very simple with an index page and full images of just 9 to 12 images for each project.When I first started using Aperture, I thought that its Web Gallery feature would be a great way to incorporate a gallery into my general workflow. But as anyone who’s explored it has found, there are just a few templates. They are very nice looking, very professional and suitably simple. But there is no way to add links or text to the pages within the templates. I read about editing the templates, but it seemed beyond what I really wanted to do. So I explored many of the other “simple” solutions and liked none of them.This morning however, I ran across this on the O’Reilly Aperture site:

Derrick Story: Sometimes You Just Have to Code It Yourself But on the Index pages I want to provide a hot link to the parent site, The Digital Story. I hadn’t found a way to create that link in Aperture (although maybe one of you know how), so I’ve been coding it myself after generating the gallery.

It’s a simple solution for someone like me who is going to be creating a new gallery pretty infrequently. I can create a block of code for the the sidebar on the index page and paste it into the Aperture generated code with a text editor. And once I feel like I’ve settled into a stable format, perhaps it would be worth editing the template itself.So here it is: The Suburban Landscape: Color Photography.

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