Visualizing in Color

Emerging from the Tunnel, originally uploaded by jjvornov.

Perhaps I should admit that in the digital age I’ve become a color photographer. My last two trips were made with digital cameras, the Nikon D300 and the Sigma DP1. As I visualize compositions, I see color. Is it the feedback on the LCD or just the knowledge that I’m capturing in color?

In the end it doesn’t matter, because I’m so taken by the color rendition of these cameras that I can’t bear to do black and white conversions unless the image demands it. If I can create the composition and gesture with color, I do.

The DP1 pushes me this way even more because of it’s color rendering. The Nikon has a crystalline quality to it. The resolution and sharpness are profound and color feel exact. The sigma’s colors are less saturated, but more evocative. These Foveon sensor images appeal on a very emotional level to me.

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